in athens, during its golden age (from 460 to 404) it had the kind of government that we call:

a.)indirect democracy,B)western monarchy,C)direct democracy,D.)eastern style republic

Your School Subject is History, not college.

An indirect democracy is one in which the voters elect representatives to run the government and make the laws.

A direct democracy is one in which the people vote directly on their laws and how to run their government.

Which do you think Athens had?

During its golden age, Athens had a government that is known as C) direct democracy.

To arrive at this answer, we can go through the options one by one:

A) Indirect democracy: Also known as representative democracy, this system allows citizens to elect representatives who make decisions on their behalf. However, in Athens during its golden age, the citizens directly participated in decision-making rather than electing representatives.

B) Western monarchy: Monarchy is a system of government where a single ruler, typically a king or queen, holds absolute power. Athens, during its golden age, was not ruled by a monarch.

C) Direct democracy: In a direct democracy, the citizens participate directly in the decision-making process by voting on laws and policies. This system was practiced in Athens during its golden age, where eligible male Athenian citizens could participate in the Assembly and vote on important matters.

D) Eastern style republic: While the term "eastern style republic" is not specific, it generally refers to republics influenced by eastern political systems, such as those found in ancient Persia or China. Athens did not have an eastern style republic during its golden age.

Therefore, the appropriate answer is C) direct democracy.