I have a circle with 2 lines that are connected and tangent to the circle.

The lines are CA and CB angle ACB is 50 degrees.
Arc AB inside of the tangent lines is X degrees
find X

Call center Premember tangent line is perpendicular to radius where the tangent hits the circle

so you have right triangles
25, 90, 65 degrees
65*2 =

To find the measure of arc AB (X degrees) inside the tangent lines, we can start by recognizing that the angle ACB (50 degrees) is an inscribed angle. This means that arc AB, the arc intercepted by the angle ACB, has twice the measure of the inscribed angle.

So, to find the measure of arc AB (X degrees), we can simply multiply the measure of angle ACB (50 degrees) by 2.

X degrees = 2 * 50 degrees
X degrees = 100 degrees

Therefore, the measure of arc AB inside the tangent lines is 100 degrees.