Please could someone help me

for my re assignment i need to find 3 reasons why miracles occur and 3 reasons why they don`t occur.
ive looked my self but i am struggling

There are many articles here, on both sides of this question. Read through several and see what you find.

Let us know what you decide.

Hmmmm. Who knows the mind of God?

Two reason listed in the New Testament is that 1) miracles are signs to the unbelievers, and 2) given to edify the faithful.

Jesus once mentioned that a lack of faith was often the cause (Remember moving mountains?).

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your assignment! Let's start by understanding what miracles are. Miracles are often understood as extraordinary events that defy natural laws and are attributed to divine or supernatural intervention. When exploring reasons why miracles occur or don't occur, it's important to consider different perspectives and beliefs.

Reasons why miracles occur:

1. Divine Intervention: Many religious traditions believe that miracles are manifestations of divine power. They occur when a higher power intervenes in the natural order to fulfill a specific purpose or to provide comfort and guidance. This perspective suggests that miracles happen to serve a greater spiritual or religious purpose.

2. Faith and Belief: The power of faith and belief is often associated with miracles. Some argue that miracles occur when individuals have strong faith, unwavering belief, or an intense connection with the divine. According to this view, miracles can be seen as rewards for deep faith or as a way to strengthen believers' conviction.

3. Unexplained Phenomena: Miracles can also be attributed to events or phenomena that are yet to be understood or explained by science. These circumstances may appear miraculous at first, but could potentially be explained by scientific breakthroughs in the future. For example, advancements in medical science might reveal the scientific principles behind seemingly "miraculous" recoveries or healings.

Now let's explore reasons why miracles may not occur:

1. Rational Explanation: Skeptics suggest that miracles don't occur because there is always a rational explanation behind seemingly extraordinary events. They argue that everything in the world can be understood through scientific reasoning and that attributing events to miracles is an outdated way of thinking. From this perspective, miracles are considered as mere coincidences or misinterpretations.

2. Lack of Evidence: Some people argue that miracles don't occur because there is insufficient evidence to support their existence. Skeptics often demand empirical evidence and scientific proof before accepting the occurrence of a miracle. Without solid evidence, they dismiss miracles as products of imagination, folklore, or religious bias.

3. Contradictions with Natural Laws: Critics claim that miracles cannot occur because they are inconsistent with the established natural laws and principles governing the universe. They argue that the laws of physics, biology, and other scientific disciplines make it highly unlikely, if not impossible, for events to occur outside the boundaries of natural cause and effect.

Remember, these reasons for why miracles occur or don't occur are not exhaustive and can be approached from different philosophical, religious, or scientific perspectives. It's important to acknowledge and respect diverse beliefs and opinions on the subject.