What do you get when you multiply the mixed number 4 2/7 by the mixed number 6 2/5 and reduce to its lowest terms?

4 2/7 = 30/7

6 2/5 = 32/5

30/7 * 32/5 = 960/35 = 27 15/35 = 27 3/7

To multiply mixed numbers, you'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert each mixed number to an improper fraction.
To convert mixed numbers to improper fractions, multiply the whole number by the denominator and add the result to the numerator. Place this value over the original denominator.

For 4 2/7:
4 * 7 = 28, and 28 + 2 = 30. So, 4 2/7 as an improper fraction is (30/7).

For 6 2/5:
6 * 5 = 30, and 30 + 2 = 32. So, 6 2/5 as an improper fraction is (32/5).

Step 2: Multiply the two improper fractions.
To multiply fractions, simply multiply the numerators together to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators together to get the new denominator.

(30/7) * (32/5) = (30 * 32) / (7 * 5) = 960 / 35

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction.
To reduce the fraction to its lowest terms, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and divide both by that value.

The GCD of 960 and 35 is 5.
Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5, we get:
960/5 ÷ 35/5 = 192/7

So, the product of 4 2/7 and 6 2/5, reduced to its lowest terms, is 192/7.