What does romeo think of love?

(romeo and juliet)

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To determine what Romeo thinks of love in "Romeo and Juliet," we can analyze his words, actions, and behavior throughout the play. Romeo is first presented as a romantic and impulsive character. At the beginning of the play, he is deeply infatuated with Rosaline and expresses his love through poetic language. However, his view of love changes later when he meets Juliet.

In Act 1, Scene 4, Romeo attends a masked ball at the Capulet's house, where he catches a glimpse of Juliet and falls in love with her instantly. This encounter shifts his perspective on love. He becomes less focused on the superficial aspects and more interested in the depth of connection and true love.

In Act 2, Scene 2, Romeo famously expresses his feelings for Juliet in the famous balcony scene, using romantic and metaphorical language. He declares his willingness to forsake his name and family for Juliet, suggesting a passionate and intense love.

Additionally, Romeo's actions throughout the play demonstrate his belief in the power of love. He secretly marries Juliet despite the ongoing feud between their families, indicating his strong commitment to their love and disregarding societal expectations.

However, it is important to note that Romeo's perception of love is often impulsive and hasty. His rash decisions and impulsiveness eventually lead to tragic consequences for both him and Juliet. In the end, Romeo's perception of love can be interpreted as passionate and all-consuming, but also as a force that can be destructive and lead to tragedy.