Do you know any good websites where I can find information about the capitalist economic/political system in the US as well as in Denmark and/or France? I tried google but I haven't found a great site or I'm usually given a sentence or 2 about the topic.

Thanks in advance

You can look them up in this site. Check both the government and economics sections for each country.

I went there before also, but it wasn't too helpful

What are you looking for that is not in the Factbook?

I am trying to find out how the aforementioned countries implement capitalism into their respective political systems and economies.

Try this site. If you find what you need about Denmark, you can also check it for government and check the other countries.

(Broken Link Removed)

If you're still not finding what you need, you may have to synthesize your own answers from the facts you've found.

If you have a specific question, try Googling it, or reposting.

Yes, I can help you find information about the capitalist economic/political systems in the US, Denmark, and France. When searching for information, it's important to use specific search terms and choose reliable sources. Let me provide you with a step-by-step process to find credible websites for your research:

1. Start with general search terms: Begin your search by using general keywords such as "capitalist economic system," "political system in the US," "political system in Denmark," and "political system in France." This will help you get a broad understanding of each country's system.

2. Use specific search terms: To find more specific information, refine your search terms. For example, you can search for "capitalism in the US," "economic system of Denmark," or "political system of France." Using country-specific terms will narrow down the results.

3. Include reputable sources: It's important to use reliable sources for accurate and well-researched information. Include words like "official," "government," or "academic" in your search to find trustworthy websites. For example, you can search for "official government website on capitalism in the US" or "academic research on political system in Denmark."

4. Explore official government websites: Each country may have official government websites that provide information on their economic and political systems. Visit the websites of government departments or ministries related to finance, economy, or foreign affairs. For the US, you can check resources like,, or the websites of the US Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. For Denmark, try websites like and Similarly, for France, consider visiting websites such as and

5. Look for academic resources: Universities and research institutions often publish articles, papers, and reports on various topics, including economic and political systems. Use academic search engines like Google Scholar ( or academic databases like JSTOR ( to find scholarly articles and research papers.

6. Consult international organizations: Organizations like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) provide comprehensive data and reports on global economic and political systems. Visiting their websites can provide valuable information and comparative analysis.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, consider multiple sources, and cross-reference the information to get a well-rounded understanding of the topic.