
i have to write a short narrative in the genre of science fiction using a current political issues as a starting point.

can someone please name and give examples of some the current political issues for me please?

thank you for the help!

thank you !

Current political issues include:
War in Iraq
Health care for everyone
Affordable prescription medications
Improving education.
Stem cell research
Global warming

thanks. but how do i start my narrative using a current political issues?
do i set the story in where or when the political issue that i have picked?
or is there any other ways that i can set my story out using a current political issues?

thank you =)

If you were to choose improving education, then I would set it in a classroom. I would have something unexpected happen which would effect the class or a student in an unnatural way. Go from there.
If I were doing global warming , what if a kid was messing around with a toyfan that suddenly began to blow holes in the ozone layer <G> Use your imagination and play with ideas.

When incorporating a current political issue into your science fiction narrative, there are several approaches you can take. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Set your story in the future: You can imagine a future society where the chosen political issue has evolved or intensified. For example, if you select global warming as your starting point, you can set your story in a dystopian world where the consequences of climate change are much more severe than they are today. This allows you to explore the impact of the issue in a speculative setting.

2. Use metaphorical elements: You can take inspiration from the political issue and create symbolic elements in your narrative. For instance, if you choose affordable prescription medications as your starting point, you can create a fictional drug or medical technology with complex consequences. By exploring the implications of this fictional element, you can address the underlying political issue in a unique and imaginative way.

3. Focus on individual stories: Instead of directly addressing the political issue, you can use it as a backdrop to explore the human experience within that context. This approach allows you to bring the issue into a personal narrative and highlight its impact on individual lives. For example, if you choose to write about the war in Iraq, you can focus on a soldier's experience or a family affected by the conflict.

Remember, the purpose of science fiction is to speculate and explore possibilities. Be creative and think outside the box to make your narrative engaging and thought-provoking. Good luck with your writing!

When starting your narrative using a current political issue, there are several ways you can set your story. Here are a few options:

1. Set the story in the current time and place of the political issue: You can set your story in the present day, addressing the issue head-on and exploring its implications. For example, if you chose global warming as the starting point, you could set the story in a future where the effects of climate change have worsened, and people are struggling to survive in a world with rising sea levels and extreme weather events.

2. Set the story in a fictional world or future time: Alternatively, you can create a fictional setting or a future time frame that is influenced by the political issue. For instance, if you chose healthcare for everyone as the issue, you could set the story in a dystopian society where access to healthcare is controlled by a totalitarian government, and the protagonist must navigate the complexities of seeking medical help.

3. Use allegory or metaphor: Another approach is to use allegory or metaphor to explore the political issue. This involves creating characters, events, or settings that symbolize the real-life political situation. For example, if you selected the war in Iraq as your starting point, you could create a sci-fi world where two alien factions are engaged in a never-ending conflict, reflecting the complexities and consequences of war.

Remember, the key is to use your imagination and think creatively about how to incorporate the selected political issue into a science fiction narrative. Think about how the issue can impact characters, settings, and the overall plot of your story.