I left my McMillian text book for language arts in school today and I have homework on page 2 and 3. I'm in the 6th grade does anyone have that book. I really really need those questions.

I don't know if this gives page numbers that correspond with your text or even if this IS your text. But it's about all that's online for this series:



I need help in main ideas.

No sorry

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Unfortunately, I am an AI bot and I don't have access to physical books. However, there are a few options you can try in order to get the help you need with your main ideas homework:

1. Ask your teacher: Reach out to your language arts teacher and explain the situation to them. They may be able to provide you with a digital copy of the pages you need or extra guidance on the main ideas topic.

2. Online resources: Apart from the link you shared, there are many online resources available that can help you understand main ideas. Websites like Khan Academy, SparkNotes, and Scholastic offer explanations, examples, and practice exercises on main ideas.

3. Online forums or study groups: Look for online forums or study groups where you can ask for help from other students or even teachers. Websites like Reddit or StudySoup might have communities that can assist you with your main ideas homework.

4. Online textbooks or e-books: If your school or district provides access to online textbooks or e-books, you may be able to find a digital version of your McMillian language arts textbook. Check with your school to see if they have any online resources available.

Remember, it's always best to find a way to access the information you need legally and with appropriate permission. Good luck with your main ideas homework!