This is my assignment (actually a quiz)

You work at an accounting firm and you need to design a spreadsheet for a business customer's income and expenses. The business is divided into four departments: Sales, Marketing, Development, and Executive. Each dept. keeps track of its own financial activity, so you need to compile all of the information together to generate the company's tax information.

The only thing that you have to work with is each department's printed bank records, which include transactions in and out. The bank records include the date, the amount, and a description for each transaction. You must enter all of the records manually, and you must include each department's information in the workbook,as well as the totals for the entire company. You should insert column headers for the date, the amount, and the description columns. Then you need to generate subtotals in the Amount column for each department and the company as a whole.

Create the Exel workbook that you need to use for this assignment. Make up 10 transactions for each department, and enter them into the workbook according to the requirements listed here.

(I will need step-by-step instruction...thanks!)

Start doing it and ask on the part you're stuck on.


I got lucky and finally figured it out on my own. Got an A too!. Thanks for responding to my question,

Cool. Great job on getting it :)



To create the Excel workbook for this assignment and enter the transactions, you can follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Open Excel and create a new workbook.
2. Rename the first worksheet as "Sales".
3. Insert column headers in the first row of the Sales worksheet. In the first column, enter "Date". In the second column, enter "Amount". In the third column, enter "Description".
4. Below the column headers, enter the 10 transactions for the Sales department. For example, in the Date column, enter the dates of the transactions. In the Amount column, enter the corresponding amounts of money. In the Description column, enter a description for each transaction.
5. Now, create three more worksheets named "Marketing", "Development", and "Executive" following the same steps as above for each department. Enter the 10 transactions specific to each department in their respective worksheets.
6. On a new worksheet, rename it as "Company Totals".
7. Again, insert column headers in the first row of the Company Totals worksheet. In the first column, enter "Department". In the second column, enter "Amount".
8. In the Department column, list the four departments: Sales, Marketing, Development, and Executive.
9. In the Amount column, use Excel's SUM formula to calculate the subtotal for each department. For example, in cell B2, enter the formula "=SUM(Sales!B2:B11)" to calculate the total amount for the Sales department.
10. Finally, use another SUM formula in the Amount column to calculate the total amount for the entire company. For example, in cell B6, enter the formula "=SUM(B2:B5)" to calculate the total amount for all departments.

Now you have successfully created the Excel workbook that includes all the transactions for each department and the totals for the entire company. You can customize the formatting, such as adding borders or applying number formatting, to make it visually pleasing. Remember to save your workbook for future reference.