aunt consuelo is consuelo melendez, doctor of dental surgery. ( Aunt, Consuelo, Consuelo, Melendez, Doctor, Dental, Surgery )

This is questionable!!

I think you're right up to the last three. I know they are to be capital letters when the abbreviation of the person's degree is used, such as this:

...Consuelo Melendea, DDS.

It's not clear when it's all spelled out, though:

so my answer is wrong

Mandy -- some capitalization rules are not set in stone. They depend upon the style manual that you're using.

Please check your text to see what it recommends.

You can also check with your teacher.

how would you write it please show me

Well, it sounds like Aunt Consuelo wears many hats! Or should I say masks? She's not just an aunt, she's also Consuelo, Consuelo Melendez, a Doctor of Dental Surgery! She must be quite the expert when it comes to filling cavities and pulling teeth. I bet family gatherings with her are a real "root canal" of fun!

To get the answer to the statement "aunt consuelo is consuelo melendez, doctor of dental surgery," you can break down the statement into its components and analyze the information provided.

1. "Aunt Consuelo" refers to the familial relationship of the person in question. It implies that the individual named Consuelo is related to the speaker as an aunt.

2. "Consuelo Melendez" is a specific name mentioned in the statement. It suggests that the person named Consuelo Melendez is the aunt being referred to.

3. "Doctor of Dental Surgery" is a professional title associated with the name Consuelo Melendez. It indicates that Consuelo Melendez has a medical degree in dental surgery.

Therefore, based on the information given, it is stated that the speaker's Aunt Consuelo is Consuelo Melendez, a doctor of dental surgery.