Organized religion prevented the development of birth control pills until the mid-1950s. Various blue laws, such as the regulation of liquor sales, are also an effect of organized religion. Organized religion also organizes charities that help the poor.

list two effects that orangized religion has had on society

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Organized religion has had various effects on society, both positive and negative. Here are two examples:

1. Influence on Social Issues: Organized religion often plays a significant role in shaping societal values and norms. It has influenced social issues such as birth control and liquor regulations. Historically, some organized religions were opposed to the development and use of birth control methods, including birth control pills, citing moral or religious beliefs. As a result, the development and widespread availability of birth control pills were delayed until the mid-1950s. Similarly, organized religion has influenced the establishment of blue laws, which regulate the sale of alcohol and restrict certain activities on Sundays. These laws often stem from religious beliefs around Sabbath observance and the importance of maintaining moral standards in society.

2. Charitable Activities: Another effect of organized religion on society is the organization of charitable activities. Many organized religions have established charities and other support systems to assist the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable populations. These charitable endeavors include food banks, homeless shelters, healthcare initiatives, educational programs, and more. Organized religions often emphasize the importance of helping those in need as a core tenet of their faith. These charities provide assistance, resources, and support to individuals and communities, contributing to the well-being and welfare of society.

Please note that these examples are not exhaustive, and the effects of organized religion on society can vary greatly depending on the specific religion, its teachings, and the societal context in which it operates.