1. He has a disappointed facial exxpression.

2. He has a disappointed face.

(Which expression do we have to dus?)

3. Look at the picture. He has grasped his hair. Look at his face. He looks upset.

(Is this passage OK?)

4. I will explain each scene. Look at the pictures. In the first scene, the Little Mermaid became a woman. She looks beautiful. Now she is at a seashore. In the second scene, she met the Prince. The Prince was very good-looking. She looks happy. In the third scene, the Prince married another girl. She wept bitterly. In the last scene, the Little Mermaid died. She turned into a drop of water. She disappered at last.

(Would yoiu check these sentences as well? Thank you.)

His facial expression is disappointed, not his face.

Yes, that passage is ok... you can also say he is pulling his hair. If you are talking about the painting, then I would say that "upset" is an understatement.

4. I will explain each scene. Look at the pictures. In the first scene, the Little Mermaid became a woman. She looks beautiful. Now she is at a seashore. In the second scene, she met the Prince. The Prince was very good-looking. She looks happy. In the third scene, the Prince married another girl. She wept bitterly. In the last scene, the Little Mermaid died. She turned into a drop of water. She disappered at last.

A new paragraph indicates a change in ideas, places, persons or times.

4. I will explain each scene. Look at the pictures. In the first scene, the Little Mermaid became a woman. She looks beautiful. Now she is at a seashore.

In the second scene, she met the Prince. The Prince was very good-looking. She looks happy. (Is she still at the seashore? If you give the location for one scene, it would be helpful to give the location for the other scenes, especially if they are different.)

In the third scene, the Prince married another girl. She wept bitterly.

In the last scene, the Little Mermaid died. She turned into a drop of water. She disappered at last.

In the third paragraph, it would be clearer if you used "Little Mermaid" in the second sentence rather than the pronoun, "she." It would avoid any possible confusion whether "she" refers to "another girl" or the "Little Mermaid." (Typically the pronoun refers to the immediately preceding noun.)

In describing anything, you have a picture in your mind. In communicating the scene to others, you would want to make your description clear enough to generate something close to your image. If someone gave you the descriptions above, would you be able to have a relatively close image in your mind?

I realize that this was not the information you were seeking, but I hope it will help you become a better communicator. Thanks for asking.

1. The correct expression to use is "He has a disappointed facial expression."

To confirm this, you can consider the following steps to find the answer:

Step 1: Read the first option, "He has a disappointed facial exxpression."
Step 2: Identify any potential errors or misspellings in the sentence.
Step 3: Notice that there appears to be a typographical error in the word "expression" (exxpression).
Step 4: Correct the error and determine if the sentence now makes sense: "He has a disappointed facial expression."
Step 5: Compare this corrected sentence to the second option: "He has a disappointed face."
Step 6: Evaluate the wording of both options and determine which option best describes the situation.
Step 7: Conclude that the correct expression to use is "He has a disappointed facial expression."

2. The sentence "He has a disappointed face" is grammatically correct, but it is less specific than using the term "facial expression." Using "facial expression" indicates that more than just the face is conveying the feeling of disappointment.

Regarding the passage you provided:

3. The passage you provided is generally understandable and conveys the intended meaning. However, there are a few places where you can improve the clarity and coherence of the sentences. Here's a suggestion:

"Look at the picture. He is grasping his hair and his face reflects a strong sense of upset."

By mentioning that he is grasping his hair, you provide more context to support the expression of being upset.

4. The provided sentences are okay in terms of conveying the general storyline. However, there are some grammar and clarity issues that can be improved. Here's an amended version:

"I will explain each scene to you. In the first scene, the Little Mermaid transformed into a human and looked beautiful. The second scene shows her at a seashore, where she meets a charming Prince and appears happy. However, in the third scene, the Prince marries another girl, and the Little Mermaid weeps bitterly. Finally, in the last scene, the Little Mermaid dies and transforms into a single drop of water, ultimately disappearing."

This version provides clearer and more concise descriptions of each scene, making the narrative easier to follow.