it isnt showing what you said. i put in the search engine education programs in wiscon sin for high school drop outs

I searched for alternative ed programs Wisconsin and found several good sites.

These programs include many categories of at-risk students, not just the young parents.

When searching for education programs in Wisconsin for high school dropouts, there are a few steps you can follow to find relevant information:

1. Start by opening a web browser on your computer or smartphone.
2. In the search engine's search bar, type in "education programs in Wisconsin for high school dropouts". You can use any search engine of your choice such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. Press enter or click on the search button to initiate the search.
4. The search engine will display a list of results that are most relevant to your query. These results are typically web pages, articles, or directories related to education programs for high school dropouts in Wisconsin.
5. Browse through the search results to find websites or resources that provide information on these programs. Look for official government websites, educational institutions, nonprofits, or organizations that specialize in assisting high school dropouts.
6. Click on the links that seem to provide the most relevant information. On these websites, you can explore the available programs, eligibility requirements, admissions processes, and contact information for further inquiries.
7. Take note of the programs that interest you and gather additional information such as program duration, location, cost, curriculum, and available support services.
8. For a more targeted search, you can refine your search query by adding specific keywords such as the name of a city in Wisconsin or keywords related to your educational goals or interests.

Remember, the search results may vary based on the search engine you use and the specific keywords you include in your query. It's always a good idea to explore multiple sources and websites to gain a comprehensive understanding of the available education programs for high school dropouts in Wisconsin.