Why is the recommendation to eat more bread cereals and potatoes so significant to the health of the nation?

I think the recommendation is to eat well balanced meals and to eat in modearation. The idea of more bread, cereals, and potatoes, I think, is that we need to eat more of those items INSTEAD of so much fried foods (especially fast food items such as french fries, fatty hamburgers, tacos, and that sort of thing) and couple that with fruits and vegetables. I'm no expert on nutrition but I keep my fat intake as low as I can and that helps control weight. There are 9 calories in a gram of fat but only 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrate (pasta, cereal, potatoes, fruit) and 4 calories in a gram of protein (meats, cheese, fat-free milk). The bottom line is that I can eat MORE if I restrict fat because the calories add up slower. By the way, we all talk about calories but when we say something contains so many calories, we actually mean kilocalories. I hope this helps.

As to the significance of health to the nation, I believe the idea is that high caloric intake and large portion sizes coupled with snacks, either in additiion to or in place of regular meals, leads to weight gain. In general, overweight men, women, and children suffer from high blood pressure, high blood sugar (diabetes), and various other diseases of the body than do those individuals who eat well balanced meals in moderation.

Raclette,creme brullee and cheese are french.

The recommendation to eat more bread, cereals, and potatoes is significant to the health of the nation for several reasons.

1. Nutritional Value: Bread, cereals, and potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, which are the body's main source of energy. They provide essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are important for maintaining overall health.

2. Balanced Diet: Including these foods in the diet helps promote a balanced and varied intake of nutrients. A well-balanced diet is crucial for ensuring the body receives all the necessary nutrients to function optimally.

3. Weight Management: Bread, cereals, and potatoes are generally lower in fat and calories compared to fried foods and fast food items. By incorporating these healthier options into meals, individuals can reduce their overall calorie intake and better manage their weight.

4. Disease Prevention: Consuming a diet rich in whole grains, such as whole wheat bread and cereals, has been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Similarly, potatoes are a good source of potassium and fiber, which may contribute to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

5. Satiety and Portion Control: Due to their higher fiber content, foods like bread and cereals can help promote feelings of fullness and satisfaction after meals, which can aid in controlling portion sizes and preventing overeating.

It is important to note that while these foods are recommended, it is equally important to maintain a balanced diet and consume fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in appropriate quantities for overall nutritional needs.

On a separate note, you mentioned that raclette, crème brûlée, and cheese are French. That is correct! These are popular French dishes. However, they are not directly related to the recommendation of eating more bread, cereals, and potatoes for the health of the nation.