This is the assignment: Describe how three adults, each brought up under a different parenting style as a

child, might cope differently with one of the changes listed in the table in appendix F.

This is what I have so far. Just wanted your opinion to see if I am on the right track and maybe you could possibly help me a bit. Thanks

Going into young adulthood can be a very challenging step in ones life. The parenting style that your parents inflicted can make it easier or perhaps even worse.

Someone who's parents were Authoritative would have the up most respect and confidence. They would be very reliable and responsible. These young adults would be the most mature of the three parenting styles. They would cope very well with the changes taking place in their lives. A very big contributing factor to them coping well is that they have developed great communication skills. By this point in their life they know that if they need help or simply someone to confide in their parents would be there for them.

A person raised by an Authoritarian parent wants everything to be all about them. Their parents did not communicate well with them, or hardly listened to them. Naturally, for once in their life they want things to be all about them. Their relationships would be strained because of this and because they are only used to everything being forced upon them. If someone, like a spouse, is not doing something they want they will find a way to make them.Their parents never respected them, so they are not likely to respect anyone else. They might have issues coping with life's changes, because they will tend to keep their problems inside, not knowing how to reach out and communicate with someone else.

A person raised by a permissive parent are not likely to have respect for any kind of authority. At this point in their lives they have already strongly rebelled, and could possbily be into drugs. They have very poor communication skills and have little if any respect for other people.They are so used to doing what they want, they will not listen to anyone. Life's changes will make these people very uneasy. They may not know how to deal with everything that is being thrown at them, which could lead to a life of drug abuse. Anything they can use to cope with what is going on they will try.

Which change in appendix F are you discussing?

Sorry forgot to add that! The change into young adult hood..its kinda in the middle appendix F goes straight from young adult hood to middle adult this is like a person in the 20s.

I'm uncomfortable about such broad generalizations.

Children of authoritative parents may rebel or they may be as straight as their parents. Children of permissive parents may be spoiled and believe the world revolves around them -- or they might rebel and become more authoritative. Certainly, most children of permissive parents do not get into drugs.

On what facts are you basing your descriptions?

I also see major discrepancies between your two paragraphs about authoritative parents. Do they or do they not communicate well?

Ms. Sue is not discriminating between authoritative parents and authoritarian parents. The overly obedient, authoritarian or rebellious behavioral styles are more likely to apply to the latter. (Effective parenting is also called authoritative, which typically provides firm and consistent guidance along with love and affection.)

You seem to be confusing permissive with overly permissive methods of parenting. For more information on discipline styles and communication methods, see:

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

I'm not understanding Appendix F. It says describe how three adults, each brought up under a different parenting style as a child might cope differently with one of the changes listed in the table in appendix f. What changes are we talking about, are we talking about pick stage development,pysical development, cognitive development,social development/personality I'm very confused

Your analysis of how adults raised under different parenting styles might cope with changes in young adulthood is a good start. Here are a few suggestions to further develop and enhance your response:

1. Start by introducing the different parenting styles and briefly explaining their main characteristics. This will set the foundation for your analysis. For example:
- Authoritative parenting: characterized by clear rules and expectations, open communication, and nurturing support.
- Authoritarian parenting: characterized by strict rules and discipline, limited communication, and a focus on obedience.
- Permissive parenting: characterized by limited rules and boundaries, freedom for the child to do as they please, and minimal discipline.

2. In each paragraph, provide specific examples of how individuals with each parenting style might cope differently with one of the changes listed in Appendix F. Make sure to connect the parenting style to their coping mechanism. For instance:
- Authoritative parenting: Since children raised under authoritative parenting tend to have good communication skills and a strong support network, they would likely cope well with changes by seeking guidance and support from their parents, friends, or mentors. They may also actively problem-solve and take ownership of their actions.
- Authoritarian parenting: Due to their restrictive upbringing and lack of communication, adults who grew up under authoritarian parenting may struggle to cope with changes. They could try to exert control over the situation, possibly by becoming overly demanding or even manipulative. Their limited communication skills and difficulties in trusting others may hinder their ability to adapt and seek support.
- Permissive parenting: As individuals raised under permissive parenting may have had few boundaries or rules growing up, they may struggle with structure and decision-making in young adulthood. They may find it difficult to cope with changes due to their lack of self-discipline and their tendency to seek instant gratification or escape through negative behaviors like substance abuse.

3. Consider incorporating research findings or academic sources to support your analysis. This will add credibility and depth to your response. Look for studies or articles that examine the impacts of different parenting styles on adult coping mechanisms.

Remember to maintain a balanced and unbiased tone throughout your explanation. Avoid making sweeping generalizations or overly negative characterizations of individuals raised under specific parenting styles. Focus on the potential challenges and strengths associated with each style.

Overall, your response is on the right track. By expanding and refining your analysis with these suggestions, you will provide a more comprehensive and well-supported explanation of how individuals brought up under different parenting styles might cope differently with changes in young adulthood.