How do you translate "I don't understand English?" in French?

Je ne comprends pas l'anglais.

Sra (aka Mme)

Also: L'anglais? Je ne le comprends pas.

To translate "I don't understand English" into French, follow these steps:

1. Start with the subject, which is "I" in this case. The pronoun "I" translates to "je" in French.
2. Next, identify the verb "understand." The verb "understand" in French is "comprendre."
3. Then, specify the object, which is "English." "English" translates to "anglais" in French.
4. Finally, add the negation "don't" before the verb. In French, the negation "don't" is "ne...pas." Place "ne" before the verb, "comprendre," and "pas" after it.

Combining these steps, the translation of "I don't understand English" in French is "Je ne comprends pas l'anglais."