seven students each stent 15 minutes at the classroom computer. an eighth studentworked 18 minutes. what is the tolal computer time in minutes and hours

7 * 15 = 105 minutes

105 + 18 = 123 minutes

Divide: 123/60 = 2 3/60 = 2 hours and 3 minutes.

wht is reciprocal proper fractionn

To find the total computer time in minutes, you need to add up the individual times spent by each student. Given that seven students spent 15 minutes each at the computer, we can calculate the total time as follows:

Total time = (Number of students) * (Time spent by each student)

Total time = 7 * 15 = 105 minutes

Now, to convert the total time into hours, you need to divide the total minutes by 60, as there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Total time in hours = (Total time in minutes) / 60

Total time in hours = 105 / 60 = 1.75 hours

Therefore, the total computer time is 105 minutes or 1 hour and 45 minutes.