What is the example of "culture of power"

Please help me with this, I had a very hard time to come up with an example for "culture of power"


There may be some ideas in here. Read carefully.

A "culture of power" refers to a social or organizational environment where power is highly valued and concentrated among certain individuals or groups. People within this culture often prioritize authority, dominance, and control.

An example of a "culture of power" could be an autocratic country or dictatorship, where power rests in the hands of a single ruler or a small group of elite individuals. In such a culture, decisions and policies are made without much consideration for the input or well-being of the general population, and dissent or opposition is often suppressed. The ruler or ruling group may leverage their power to maintain control and exert influence over various aspects of society, including the economy, media, education, and political institutions.

To come up with examples for "culture of power," you can also think about corporations or organizations where power is concentrated among a select few at the top of the hierarchy. In such cases, decision-making may be centralized, and individuals lower in the hierarchy may have limited input or influence. Power dynamics within these organizations may involve managing and maintaining authority, competition for promotions or resources, and a potential lack of transparency or accountability.

Remember, an example of a "culture of power" should involve a scenario or institution where power is valued, consolidated, and disproportionately held by certain individuals or groups.