The amount $180.00 is what percent greater than $135.00?

A. 35%
B. 33.33%

C. 75%

D. 133.33%

it's d right

Convert (180-135)/135, which happens to equal 1/3, to percent.

so i was right?

To find the percent greater, we need to calculate the difference between the two amounts and then divide it by the original amount ($135.00). Finally, we multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Difference = $180.00 - $135.00 = $45.00

Percent greater = (Difference / $135.00) * 100
= ($45.00 / $135.00) * 100
= 0.3333 * 100
= 33.33%

Therefore, the amount $180.00 is 33.33% greater than $135.00. So, the correct answer is B. 33.33%.