What was The ambiguous racial slogan that signaled a growing challenge to King's nonviolent civil rights movement by militant younger blacks?


oh thank-you Its "Black Power"

You're welcome.

The ambiguous racial slogan you are referring to is likely "Black Power." This slogan emerged during the late 1960s as a rallying cry for militant younger blacks who felt that Martin Luther King Jr.'s nonviolent approach to the civil rights movement was not producing sufficient results. "Black Power" represented a shift from integrationist goals to a focus on black self-determination, political empowerment, and pride in African American culture.

To confirm the accuracy of this term, you can start by conducting an internet search using relevant keywords such as "ambiguous racial slogan civil rights movement," "militant younger blacks civil rights movement," or "challenges to King's nonviolent approach civil rights movement." This will lead you to various sources, including articles, books, or scholarly papers, that elaborate on the emergence and significance of the "Black Power" slogan during that time period.

Additionally, you can consult primary sources such as speeches and writings by activists associated with the Black Power movement, including Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture) and the Black Panther Party, to understand their perspectives and motivations behind adopting this slogan.

Always be critical of your sources and try to cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to ensure a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the topic.