Paul Can Type 60 Words Per Minute And Jennifer Can Type 80 Words Per Minute. How Does Pauls Typing Speed Compare To Jennifers?

Maybe a ratio would work.

60/80 = x/100

Once you figure out what x is, state it as a percent. Paul can type x% as fast as Jennifer can.


To compare Paul's typing speed to Jennifer's, you can use a ratio.

Let's assume that Paul's typing speed is represented by 'x' in the ratio. We know that Paul can type 60 words per minute, and Jennifer can type 80 words per minute.

So, our ratio would be:

Paul's typing speed : Jennifer's typing speed = x : 80

To find the value of 'x', we can set up the following proportion:

x / 80 = 60 / 80

To solve for 'x', we can cross multiply:

x * 80 = 60 * 80

This simplifies to:

x * 80 = 4800

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 80 to isolate 'x':

x = 4800 / 80

x = 60

Therefore, Paul's typing speed is 60% as fast as Jennifer's typing speed.

In summary, Paul can type at 60% of Jennifer's speed.