This data given: GDP=$110; Income earned by citizens abroad=$5; income foreigners earn here=$15; loss from depreciation=$4; indirect business taxes=$6; business subsidies=$2; retained earnings=$5; corporate income taxes=$6; social insurance contributions=$10; interest paid to households by govt=$5; transfer payments to households from govt=$15; personal taxes=$30; non-tax payments to govt=$5.??Disposable personal income = ?

To find the disposable personal income, we need to sum up all the income components and then subtract the taxes and non-tax payments to the government. Let's break down the given data into different categories:

1. Income earned by citizens abroad: $5
2. Income foreigners earn here: $15
3. Retained earnings: $5
4. Interest paid to households by the government: $5
5. Transfer payments to households from the government: $15

Now, let's calculate the total income:

Total income = Income earned by citizens abroad + Income foreigners earn here + Retained earnings + Interest paid to households by the government + Transfer payments to households from the government
= $5 + $15 + $5 + $5 + $15
= $45

Next, let's calculate the total taxes and non-tax payments to the government:

Total taxes and non-tax payments = Personal taxes + Non-tax payments to the government
= $30 + $5
= $35

Finally, we can calculate the disposable personal income:

Disposable personal income = Total income - Total taxes and non-tax payments to the government
= $45 - $35
= $10

Therefore, the disposable personal income is $10.