Perform the indicated operation. Did I do this correct? Would the answer be undefined?


Without grouping symbols, it is impossible to say.

If you meant the question to be

9-13/(7*5-35), then yes, undefined.

Without grouping symbols, it is impossible to say.

If you meant the question to be

9-13/(7*5-35), then yes, undefined.

How I showed it is what how the problem reads.

Apologies for the confusion. Based on how the problem is written as "9-13/(7)(5)-35", it can be interpreted in two different ways:

1. If you meant the expression to be evaluated as follows: 9 - (13 / (7 * 5)) - 35, then the correct way to perform the operation is by following the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS/BODMAS).

First, calculate the value inside the parentheses: 7 * 5 = 35.

Next, divide 13 by 35: 13 / 35 ≈ 0.37142857.

Finally, substitute the results back into the expression: 9 - 0.37142857 - 35 ≈ -25.37142857.

So, if this was your intended expression, then the answer would be approximately -25.37142857, not undefined.

2. However, if you meant the expression to be evaluated as follows: (9 - 13) / (7 * 5 - 35), then the correct way to perform the operation is again by following the order of operations.

First, simplify the numerator: 9 - 13 = -4.

Next, simplify the denominator: 7 * 5 - 35 = 35 - 35 = 0.

Finally, divide the numerator by the denominator: -4 / 0. Since division by 0 is undefined in mathematics, the answer here would indeed be undefined.

To avoid confusion, it is always helpful to use parentheses or grouping symbols to clearly indicate the order in which operations should be performed.