The progressive movement focused mainly on the problems of

a. African Americans
b. urban residents
c. tenan farmers
d. nonunionized workers

Which Progressive movement?

B: Urban residents

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand what the progressive movement was and what problems it aimed to address. The progressive movement was a reform movement that took place in the United States between the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its goal was to bring about various social and political reforms to improve the lives of Americans.

To determine which group the progressive movement mainly focused on, we need to consider the specific problems it aimed to address. The progressive movement tackled a wide range of issues, including labor rights, political corruption, women's suffrage, child labor, public health, and living conditions in cities.

Out of the given options, urban residents were heavily impacted by the problems that the progressive movement sought to address. Many cities during this time faced issues such as overcrowding, poor sanitation, unsafe working conditions, and political corruption. Thus, option b. urban residents is the correct answer.

Note: While the progressive movement did address the problems faced by other groups such as African Americans, tenant farmers, and nonunionized workers, these issues were not the primary focus of the movement.