alan,bonnie and calvinshared 153 marbles alan gets 3 times as miny as bonnie and calvin gets 6 more than alan .how miny marbles does each person get

use guess and check, the answer is:

alan:69 bonnie: 21 and calvin: 63

how did you get the answer

OH, i'm sorry, i switched them around; it is calvin that gets 69, and alan that gets 63

but, here's how i did it
i started with a few guesses, but when i guessed alan having 63, i said okay, he has 3 times as much as bonnie, so i need to divide 69 by 3 and got 21, then it says that calvin gets 6 more than alan so, he has to have 69. to check, you add all of them together and get the total number of marbles of 153, so these numbers are correct.

I hope that explained it for you :-)

got it thank you

no problem, you don't happen to know the answer to my problem though, do you? it's labled 7th grade-math by Elissa on the current questions list

Solve the problem.

Bryce wrote a six-page essay for his English class. It took him 2.5 hours to write the essay. How many minutes did he average per page?

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the number of marbles that each person gets.

Let's say Bonnie gets x marbles. Since Alan gets 3 times as many marbles as Bonnie, Alan would get 3x marbles. Calvin gets 6 more marbles than Alan, so Calvin would get (3x + 6) marbles.

According to the problem, Alan, Bonnie, and Calvin together shared 153 marbles. Therefore, we can set up an equation:

x + 3x + (3x + 6) = 153

Simplifying the equation, we get:

7x + 6 = 153

Subtracting 6 from both sides gives:

7x = 147

Dividing both sides by 7, we find:

x = 21

So, Bonnie gets 21 marbles. Alan gets 3 times as many, which is 3 * 21 = 63 marbles. Calvin gets 6 more than Alan, which is 63 + 6 = 69 marbles.

Therefore, Bonnie gets 21 marbles, Alan gets 63 marbles, and Calvin gets 69 marbles.