Does anyone have any ideas for an UNpersuasive essay?

Instead of doing a normal essay, my class is doing an essay on anything that's crazy that people would normally not believe but if I use facts and other information, maybe they might believe me. I wanted to do maybe raising the driving age to 60 or maybe lowered to 10 (for this idea i need to know why it should be raised/lowered and information)
I was also thinking about ways to stop global warming, by making cars illegal or raising the drinking age but I need backup.

You basically got the jist of it.. You just make it really wild and crazy. Funny is always good too!

When coming up with ideas for an UNpersuasive essay, it's important to choose topics that are intentionally absurd or counterintuitive. Here are a few ideas that you can work with:

1. "The Benefits of Buttered Toast as a Fuel Source": In this essay, you can argue that buttered toast possesses unique properties that make it a viable alternative to traditional fuel sources. To support your claim, you can explore the calorific value of buttered toast and its potential impact on energy production.

2. "Teleportation: The Danger of Convenience": This essay could focus on the negative consequences of teleportation, suggesting that while it may seem like a convenient way to travel, it comes with risks such as molecular distortion, loss of identity, or potential health hazards.

3. "In Defense of Procrastination": In this essay, you can present procrastination as a beneficial behavior, arguing that it promotes creativity, stress relief, and improved decision-making. You can use anecdotes, examples of successful procrastinators, and artistic achievements that may have been influenced by last-minute work.

4. "The Case for Upside-Down Shoes": This essay could discuss the supposed benefits of wearing shoes upside down, claiming that it improves balance, increases blood circulation, or even enhances athletic performance. To support your arguments, you could refer to anecdotal evidence or conduct humorous "research."

Remember, the goal of an UNpersuasive essay is to present a deliberately illogical or unconventional argument. You can utilize humor, satire, or absurdity to engage your readers while still including facts and information to maintain an academic tone. Good luck with your assignment!