Paternalism is best defined by which of the following?

A. Interference with a person’s independence in order to benefit that person
B. Interference with a person’s independence in order to reduce health care costs
C. Interference with a person’s independence in order to protect society
D. Giving a person an unfettered right to make his or her own health care decisions

Check this definition.

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's break it down:

The term "paternalism" refers to a behavior or policy where someone, typically an authority figure, limits or restricts the freedom or autonomy of another person for their own perceived good. In other words, it involves interference in a person's independence.

Now, let's analyze each of the given options:

A. Interference with a person's independence in order to benefit that person: This option aligns with the general concept of paternalism as it suggests that interference is done for the person's own benefit. It could involve protecting them from harm or making decisions on their behalf because it is believed to be what is best for them.

B. Interference with a person's independence in order to reduce health care costs: This option does not explicitly address the idea of benefiting the person themselves, but rather focuses on reducing healthcare costs. While saving money could potentially be a consequence of paternalistic actions, it is not the primary objective.

C. Interference with a person's independence in order to protect society: This option describes paternalism in terms of protecting society rather than the individual. While paternalistic policies can sometimes be justified on the basis of societal benefits, the primary focus is typically on the individual affected.

D. Giving a person an unfettered right to make his or her own healthcare decisions: This option differs from the concept of paternalism as it suggests allowing individuals to make decisions without any interference or restriction.

Based on the definitions and principles of paternalism, the best answer would be:

A. Interference with a person's independence in order to benefit that person.

This option aligns with the idea that paternalism involves limiting freedom or autonomy for the purpose of promoting the well-being or betterment of the person being subjected to paternalistic intervention.