define borrowing glory with some examples.

Perhaps borrowing glory is hanging around someone seen as popular or a hero.

Is that what you mean?

well thanks for that. i already got my answer.....thanks a lot :)

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The phrase "borrowing glory" refers to the act of taking credit or deriving benefits from someone else's success or achievement without contributing to it yourself. It is often used to describe situations where an individual or entity seeks to bask in the reflected glory of another's accomplishments in order to gain attention, admiration, or prestige.

Here are a few examples to help illustrate the concept:

1. Celebrity associations: Imagine a company that features a picture of a famous celebrity prominently on their website but is not actually endorsed by or affiliated with that celebrity. By associating themselves with the well-known figure, they aim to borrow the glory or reputation of the celebrity to enhance their own brand image and attract attention.

2. Team collaborations: Suppose there's a group project at school or work, and one member contributes very little but eagerly claims credit for the overall success. This individual might be "borrowing glory" by taking credit for the collective achievements of the team without putting in the necessary effort or making a meaningful contribution.

3. Historical references: Historically, some rulers or leaders have claimed credit for the accomplishments of their predecessors or conquered territories that were already thriving before their arrival. They exploit the achievements of those who came before them to bolster their own reputation or legacy, effectively borrowing the glory of previous achievements.

In each of these examples, individuals or entities attempt to benefit from the accomplishments, prestige, or reputation of others, often without earning it themselves.