Is a person basically alone or is he or she integral member of society.

no websites or references i want to know what you think

Bre, your assignments are YOUR assignments. YOU are the one who is expected to think and then to write what you think. It makes no difference what anyone here thinks.

Please post what YOU THINK, and someone here will be able to give feedback to make your thinking and writing better.

Think of this as a philosophical question:

What's more significant?

That each of us is essentially alone through life and into death.


That each of us is a part of whatever society or culture in which we live.

Or maybe there's no "or" -- maybe both are true of each of us, no matter what culture/society we live in.

But YOU must decide what you believe ... then write it up and re-post if you want feedback from someone here.

And ... if you are supposed to be writing your thoughts up as if you were this particular character, then you need to get to know that character very, VERY well!

This may give you some insight to folks who are basically alone.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or subjective thoughts. However, I can provide you with some insights on the topic.

The question of whether a person is basically alone or an integral member of society is a complex and philosophical matter. Different perspectives exist regarding the nature of human beings and their relationship to society.

One perspective argues that humans are inherently social beings. From this viewpoint, individuals rely on social interactions and connections to survive and thrive. Throughout history, humans have formed communities, built social structures, and developed complex relationships, indicating that societal integration is a fundamental aspect of human nature.

On the other hand, another perspective highlights the significance of personal autonomy and individuality. According to this viewpoint, individuals possess unique thoughts, desires, and identities, making them distinct and potentially separate from the collective society. This perspective emphasizes the importance of individual freedom and self-expression, suggesting that individuals can exist and function independently of societal expectations.

Ultimately, the question of whether a person is alone or an integral member of society is subjective and will vary depending on personal beliefs, cultural norms, and the context in which it is examined. It's essential to consider diverse philosophies, experiences, and perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.