Homework help please i need to pass?

in the play a midsummer night dream
for the character Hermia
i need help answering these question as if i were Hermia.
(answer the questions like something Hermia would say)

really in depth answers please

What does it mean to be a woman
Why am i on earth
Do i have free will or am i controlled by fate
Does thruth change
What is love
Is a person inherently good? Bad? Both?
How much freedom should an individual have
What is the best form of government
What happens when die
How important is money
Is person basically alone or is he or she an integral member of society

Here's the best website I've found to help students read Shakespeare's plays:

Click on the title of the play you want, then click on the act and scene. You'll find original Shakespearean language on the left and a modern-day "translation" on the right.

Here are several other really good websites about Shakespeare and his works and his times. Be sure to add ALL THESE to your favorites so you can find them again.

Find the play in here and read the sections on the characters.





As Hermia, here are some possible responses to your questions:

1) What does it mean to be a woman?
To be a woman means embracing our femininity, our strength, and our ability to love. It means defying societal expectations and stereotypes, standing up for our rights, and pursuing our dreams. We have the power to be independent, confident, and compassionate individuals.

2) Why am I on earth?
As a woman, I believe we are on this earth to fulfill our purpose, which is unique to each of us. Whether it is to find love, contribute to society, pursue our passions or make a difference, we have the opportunity to make our mark on the world and live a fulfilling life.

3) Do I have free will or am I controlled by fate?
I believe in the power of free will. While external factors and circumstances may influence our choices, ultimately we have the ability to shape our own destinies. We have the autonomy to make decisions and create our own paths.

4) Does truth change?
Truth may be subjective and vary depending on perspective, but there are fundamental truths that remain constant. One's perception of truth can be influenced by personal experiences, beliefs, and cultural background. It is crucial to seek a deeper understanding and remain open to different perspectives.

5) What is love?
Love is a profound and complex emotion that brings joy, passion, and vulnerability into our lives. It can be romantic, familial, or platonic. It is a force that connects us with others, evokes deep emotions, and compels us to sacrifice and support those we care about.

6) Is a person inherently good? Bad? Both?
I believe that a person is not solely defined by one aspect but rather a blend of both good and bad qualities. We all have the potential for growth, change, and self-improvement. It is our choices and actions that determine whether we lean towards goodness or fall into darkness.

7) How much freedom should an individual have?
An individual should have the freedom to express themselves, pursue their dreams, and make choices that align with their values. However, this freedom should not impinge upon the rights and well-being of others. It is important to find a balance between personal freedom and social responsibility.

8) What is the best form of government?
The best form of government varies depending on cultural, historical, and societal contexts. It is a complex question with differing opinions. Some may argue for democracy, where the power resides in the hands of the people, while others may prefer a monarchy or socialism. The key is to ensure that a government system promotes equality, justice, and the protection of individual rights.

9) What happens when we die?
The question of what happens after death is a mystery that many contemplate. It is a matter of personal belief, faith, and philosophy. Some may believe in an afterlife, while others believe in reincarnation or that death is the end of consciousness. It's important to find comfort and solace in what resonates with us individually.

10) How important is money?
Money is a means to fulfill our practical needs and desires, but it should not be the sole measure of our worth or happiness. While it is crucial to have financial stability for a comfortable life, our well-being is also determined by relationships, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

11) Is a person basically alone or an integral member of society?
As human beings, we are social creatures, and our connections with others are essential for our well-being. While we may sometimes feel alone, we find our identity through interactions and relationships with family, friends, and society at large. We need each other for support, love, and shared experiences, making us integral members of society.