Which of the following statements would come from someone classified as unemployed?

A. I'm not working. I had three interviews this week, and I'm trying to find a job.
B. I haven't had a job in a year, and I stopped looking for a job nine months ago.
C. I'm not working because I'm going to Jamaica with my buddy.
D. I'm a full-time student at the University of Illinois and don't have time to work.
E. I can't stand my current job as a telemarketer. I used to be a nuclear engineer.

The first four statements could come from a person who's unemployed in the sense of not having a paying job. However, only one statement could be made by an officially unemployed person. Check this site for your answer.


To determine which statement would come from someone classified as unemployed, we can analyze each statement:

A. "I'm not working. I had three interviews this week, and I'm trying to find a job."
This statement indicates that the person is actively seeking employment, suggesting they are currently unemployed.

B. "I haven't had a job in a year, and I stopped looking for a job nine months ago."
This statement implies that the person is not actively seeking employment and has been unemployed for a significant period.

C. "I'm not working because I'm going to Jamaica with my buddy."
This statement suggests that the person is voluntarily unemployed with no intention of seeking employment, rather than being classified as involuntarily unemployed.

D. "I'm a full-time student at the University of Illinois and don't have time to work."
This statement indicates that the person is a student and not actively seeking employment. While they are not technically unemployed, they are not part of the labor force.

E. "I can't stand my current job as a telemarketer. I used to be a nuclear engineer."
This statement does not directly indicate the person's employment status.

Based on this analysis, the statement that would come from someone classified as unemployed is Option B: "I haven't had a job in a year, and I stopped looking for a job nine months ago."

To confirm this information, you can refer to the provided link (http://www.answers.com/topic/unemployment-2), which can provide further details on unemployment.