Hello, i am looking for a prefix that means near, almost, semi

for instance psudo- means false, and i want to say something along the lines of " ... and their often (practically/ semi/almost unconscious) behavior.

I don't know if such a prefix exists though

Thanks so much XD

i am just guessing:

approximately, essentially, apparent, partly, seemingly, nominal

hope this helps!

i just realized that i could use subconscious!!!!

how dumb of me for not having realized this!!!

anyhow, if there is any other word that you know please let me know

subliminal, undersense, latent, repressed, suppressed, inmost, intuitive, inner, essence

What is wrong with semi-conscious?

Bobpursley is right.

Semi- is a prefix, and with "semi-conscious" you have the word you're looking for. Yes?

pre re

Hello! The prefix you're looking for could be "quasi-". It means resembling, almost, or almost completely but not exactly. You can use it to convey the idea of "near," "almost," or "semi."

In your sentence, you can say " ... and their often quasi-unconscious behavior." This would imply that their behavior is similar to being unconscious but not exactly the same.

To find such prefixes, you can use resources like dictionaries or online resources that provide lists of prefixes and their meanings. These resources will help you to explore and discover prefixes that convey specific meanings.