People began to feel safer in the Middle Ages because___________ and _______________ had stabalized Europe.

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "Middle Ages stabilized Europe" to get these possible sources:
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In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

In the Middle Ages, people began to feel safer because two major factors had stabilized Europe.

To find more information on this topic, you can search using keywords such as "Middle Ages Europe stability" or "factors that stabilized Europe in the Middle Ages." This will help you find relevant sources that provide more detailed explanations.

Here are some possible sources that you can explore:

1. Check the link to the education forum, which discusses the topic in detail:

2. The website provides information about the Renaissance and its impact on stabilizing Europe during the Middle Ages. You can find more information here:

3. The Historical Text Archive offers books related to the Middle Ages, including one that discusses the stabilization of Europe during that time period. You can find more information here:

4. Wikipedia also provides an overview of the Early Middle Ages, which can serve as a starting point for understanding the stabilization of Europe during that era. However, keep in mind that Wikipedia should be used as a general reference and should be supplemented with more reliable sources:

Remember, conducting your own research using appropriate keywords will help you find more specific and reliable information.