Need help with these questions:

1.When a calcium atom forms an ion, it loses two electrons. What is the electrical charge of the calcium ion?

2.Which particle builds a static electrical charge when it is transferred from one object to the other?
I think this one might be A or B...

3.What causes nickel and certain other metals to be magnetic?
A.the influence of earth's magnetic field
B.the motion of protons in their atoms
C.their atoms have more electrons that protons
D.the pattern of electrons in their atoms


1. What family is calcium in?

2. If a proton moves, the atom is changed to a new material.
3. The placement of electrons in energy orbitals results in a net magnetic moment for some atoms.

So #3 is D?


Nevermind I got the answers


what grade is this

1. To determine the electrical charge of the calcium ion, we need to understand the atomic structure of calcium. Calcium is an element with an atomic number of 20, which means it has 20 protons in its nucleus and 20 electrons surrounding it.

When an atom forms an ion, it either gains or loses electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. In this case, the question states that the calcium atom loses two electrons. Since electrons have a negative charge, losing two of them would result in an overall increase in positive charge.

To calculate the electrical charge, we compare the number of protons to the number of electrons lost. In the case of calcium, losing two electrons means it now has 20 protons and 18 electrons. Since protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge, there is a net positive charge on the calcium ion. Therefore, the electrical charge of the calcium ion is +2.

So the answer to question 1 is C.+2.

2. When objects come into contact with each other, they can experience the transfer of electrically charged particles. To determine which particle builds a static electrical charge during this process, we need to understand the basic structure of an atom.

Atoms consist of three main subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge.

During contact and rubbing of objects, electrons can be transferred between them, leading to an imbalance of charges. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, while the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

When it comes to the transfer of electric charge, the key particle involved is the electron. Electrons are relatively loosely bound within an atom, making them more easily transferable compared to protons or neutrons.

Therefore, the answer to question 2 is B. electron.

3. The question asks about what causes certain metals, like nickel, to be magnetic.

To understand this, we need to know that magnetism is a property associated with the alignment and movement of electrons in a material.

Among the given options, the one that best explains why nickel and certain metals are magnetic is option D, the pattern of electrons in their atoms.

In these metals, the arrangement of electrons in their atoms allows for the alignment of electron spins, which results in a magnetic field produced by the material. This alignment is often facilitated by the presence of unpaired electrons in the outermost electron shells of the metal atoms.

So, the answer to question 3 is D. the pattern of electrons in their atoms.