I don't need help with this, I just need your opinion. I'm in ninth grade advanced English, and one of our vocabulary words is "frequently." Do you find that hard to believe we have to "memorize" a word like that?

It does seem strange that students in an advanced English class need to memorize such a basic word.

However, I've found that many students do not understand basic vocabulary.

If this is an isolated example of oversimplification in this class, then just be glad you don't have to study this word.

If you feel the class is "dumbed down," then you and your parents should talk with the principal about this class.

You can also take advantage of such "simple" words to learn obscure meanings, the history of the word, and try to make a story using all your vocabulary words with the second or third dictionary meaning instead of the most common definition.

Doing this will help you increase your personal vocabulary, help you with those really hard crossword puzzles, give you something to talk about at parties, and impress your parents and teachers. It will also give you experience in seeing "outside the box."

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide some insight into the reasons vocabulary memorization is an essential part of learning a language.

When learning a new language, vocabulary acquisition is crucial because words form the building blocks of communication. Memorizing vocabulary words like "frequently" helps develop a broader language repertoire. While some words may seem straightforward and familiar, it's important to grasp their precise meanings, usage, and context.

By memorizing vocabulary words, you become more competent in expressing yourself accurately and effectively. It enhances your writing, speaking, and comprehension skills. Additionally, a rich vocabulary enables you to comprehend texts more proficiently, both in academic and everyday settings.

Language learning is a gradual process, and repetition is integral to solidifying your understanding. Memorization techniques, such as flashcards or associative learning, can assist in internalizing vocabulary words more efficiently.

So, while it may seem unnecessary to memorize seemingly simple words like "frequently," doing so aids in building a strong foundation for language proficiency and effective communication.