assignment -- can you please review my answers the first part is provided ot us and we must then finish the sentence -

Continua estas frases

1. El otro dia estaba en mi casa y, de repente ( this part provided on wrok sheet ) - my answer con la television encendido

2. El sabado por la noche quieria ir a bailar, pero al final ( this part provided by worksheet) - my answer decidía permanecer el hogar y estudiar.

3 Le compre un regalo a Enrigue proque era su cumpleanos, pero ( this part provided by worksheet) - my answer él no lo recibió el tiempo.

4.Estaba escuchando musica en casa y, de pronto ( this part provided by work sheet) my answer el descortezamiento comenzado perro en alta voz y él no podían oírlo

5. Mientras mis amigros estaban en clase, yo ( htis part provided by my worksheet) my answer yo trajabar en la groupas con ellos

1.ok I guess you wanted to say " the other day i was at home, when suddenly the tv turn on) if so then "la television se encedio"

2. decidi
3. el no lo recibio a timpo
4.I'm sorry but I have no clue what you are trying to say.
5. yo trabaje (worked? im not sure what you are trying to say here)en el grupo con ellos

help number 4

I was trying to say - the dog was barking loudly nad he could not hear the music

Help numebr 5 -

I was trying to say - I was working with a group of them

Or I suggested we have lunch after class together.

1. la televisión se encendió

2. quería bailar pero decidí permanecer en el hogar y estudiar

3. él no lo recibió a tiempo (in time?)

4. pero el perro ladraba ruidosamente y no podía oír la música.

5. yo trabajaba con un grupo de ellos.

I suggested we have lunch after class together = yo les sugerí almorzar juntos después de la clase.


1. El otro día estaba en mi casa y, de repente, la televisión estaba encendida.

To review your answer, you correctly completed the sentence by using the past tense form of the verb "estar" and the adjective "encendido" to agree with the feminine noun "televisión."

2. El sábado por la noche quería ir a bailar, pero al final decidí quedarme en casa y estudiar.
To review your answer, you correctly completed the sentence by using the past tense form of the verb "querer" and the verbs "decidir" and "quedarse" in the infinitive form. You also used the correct conjugation of the verb "estudiar" to agree with the subject "yo."

3. Le compré un regalo a Enrique porque era su cumpleaños, pero él no lo recibió a tiempo.
To review your answer, you correctly completed the sentence by using the past tense form of the verb "comprar" and the possessive pronoun "lo" to refer to the gift. You also used the correct form of the verb "recibir" to agree with the subject "él."

4. Estaba escuchando música en casa y, de pronto, el perro comenzó a ladrar muy fuerte y ellos no podían oírlo.
To review your answer, you correctly completed the sentence by using the past tense form of the verb "escuchar" and the verb "comenzar" in the infinitive form. You also used the correct form of the verb "ladrar" to agree with the subject "el perro." Additionally, you conjugated the verb "poder" correctly to agree with the subject "ellos."

5. Mientras mis amigos estaban en clase, yo trabajaba en el proyecto con ellos.
To review your answer, you correctly completed the sentence by using the past tense form of the verb "estar" for your friends and the verb "trabajar" in the present progressive form to indicate an ongoing action. You also used the correct form of the noun "grupo" to agree with the verb "trabajar." However, there is a typo in your answer, as you wrote "trajabar" instead of "trabajaba."