Please answer the following questions and submit using the form below. Include the questions with your answers and please write in complete sentences.

1. ¿Qué es el participio de tener? (What is the participle of tener?)

2. ¿Qué es el participio de dormir?

3. ¿Qué es el participio de hablar?

4. ¿Qué es el participio de salir?

5. ¿Qué es el participio de estudiar?

In the following sentences, write the correct form of haber:

6. ¿_______ galletas aquí?

7. Nosotros no _______ encontrado ninguna (found a single) galleta (cookie).

8. Carlos y Marcos _______ comido todas las galletas.

9. Tengo celos. Yo no _______ comido ninguna.

10. ¿No ________ (tú) comido una galleta?

11. Mi amigo _________ comido mis galletas.

12. ¡Ustedes ________ hablado de galletas por media hora (for half an hour)!

13. ¿Cómo se dice "there is a plant (una planta)" en español?

14. ¿Cómo se dice "there are some dogs" en español?

15. ¿Cómo se dice "I have talked" en español?

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If you post them, someone will probably check them.

Note: we do not do homework here.

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Now, when you say "participle" be aware that there are 2: the Present Participle, ending in -ndo and the Past Participle, usually ending in -do but not always!




1. El participio de tener es "tenido".

To find the participle of a verb in Spanish, you usually need to add the ending -ido (for -er and -ir verbs) or -ado (for -ar verbs) to the stem of the verb. In this case, the stem of "tener" is "ten-" and when we add the -ido ending, we get "tenido".

2. El participio de dormir es "dormido".
Following the same rule as above, the stem of "dormir" is "dorm-", and when we add the -ido ending, we get "dormido".

3. El participio de hablar es "hablado".
Again, using the same rule, the stem of "hablar" is "habl-" and when we add the -ado ending, we get "hablado".

4. El participio de salir es "salido".
Using the rule, the stem of "salir" is "sal-" and when we add the -ido ending, we get "salido".

5. El participio de estudiar es "estudiado".
Applying the rule, the stem of "estudiar" is "estudi-" and when we add the -ado ending, we get "estudiado".

Now, let's fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb "haber":

6. ¿Hay galletas aquí?
To fill the blank, we use the present tense form of "haber" which is "hay".

7. Nosotros no hemos encontrado ninguna galleta.
In this sentence, we need to use the present perfect tense of "haber" which is "hemos" to show an action that happened in the past but is still connected to the present.

8. Carlos y Marcos han comido todas las galletas.
Here, we also use the present perfect tense of "haber", which is "han".

9. Tengo celos. Yo no he comido ninguna.
Using the present perfect tense, we fill the blank with "he" to show that the action of eating happened in the past.

10. ¿No has comido una galleta?
For the second person singular (tú), the form of "haber" is "has".

11. Mi amigo ha comido mis galletas.
Again, we use the present perfect tense and fill the blank with "ha".

12. ¡Ustedes han hablado de galletas por media hora!
To describe an action that has been happening for a duration of time, we use the present perfect tense of "haber", which is "han".

13. "There is a plant" se dice "Hay una planta" en español.
To say "there is" in Spanish, we use the verb "haber" in the present tense, which is "hay".

14. "There are some dogs" se dice "Hay algunos perros" en español.
Using the same rule as above, we use "hay" to say "there are".

15. "I have talked" se dice "He hablado" en español.
In this case, we use the present perfect tense of "haber" again and fill the blank with "he" to indicate the action happened in the past.