a worker submits the following data on a timesheet:

week 1: total hours: 42 (including 4 hrs sick leave, 6 hrs travel)
Week 2: total hours: 46 hours (including 5 hours travel)

what percentage of the recorded time did the worker spemnd traveling?

100 (11/88)


To find the percentage of time spent traveling, we need to calculate the total hours spent traveling and divide it by the total recorded hours. Here's how to do it:

1. Calculate the total hours spent traveling by adding the travel hours for each week:
Total travel hours = (6 hours in week 1) + (5 hours in week 2) = 11 hours

2. Calculate the total recorded hours by summing up the total hours for each week:
Total recorded hours = 42 hours (week 1) + 46 hours (week 2) = 88 hours

3. Calculate the percentage of time spent traveling by dividing the total travel hours by the total recorded hours and multiplying by 100:
Percentage of time spent traveling = (Total travel hours / Total recorded hours) x 100
Percentage of time spent traveling = (11 hours / 88 hours) x 100 = 12.5%

Therefore, the worker spent approximately 12.5% of their recorded time traveling.