from what quote Thomas Paine, common sense 1776, how does he feel about government in its best states?????

Check this site carefully (the top half of the first page) for your answer.

To understand how Thomas Paine feels about government in its best states, we need to analyze a quote from his work "Common Sense" published in 1776. To find the quote, we can search for the text of "Common Sense" online or in a suitable source. Let's do a search for the quote:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. Go to a search engine like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo.
3. Type in the search query: "Common Sense by Thomas Paine quotes."
4. Browse through the search results and select a reliable source that provides quotes from "Common Sense."
5. Look for a quote that discusses Paine's views on government in its best states.

Once you find the quote, you can understand Paine's perspective on government.