what was found in king tut's tomb

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I'm not sure if either of those sites mention this, but Tut's mummy was also found in the tomb.

To find out what was found in King Tut's tomb, you can follow these steps:

1. Search online: Start by conducting a web search using reliable sources such as websites of museums, archaeological institutes, or trusted academic sources. Use specific search terms like "King Tut's tomb findings" or "treasures in King Tutankhamun's tomb."

2. Access credible sources: Look for reputable sources that provide detailed information about the contents of King Tut's tomb. Websites of renowned museums like the Egyptian Museum in Cairo or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York are good places to start.

3. Explore archaeological studies: Check if there have been any archaeological studies or scholarly research dedicated to King Tut's tomb. Scholars and archaeologists often publish their findings in academic journals or books. You can search for these publications through databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar.

Now, to answer your question:

When British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, it contained a wealth of artifacts and treasures. Some of the notable findings include:

1. Funerary Mask: The iconic golden funerary mask of King Tutankhamun, weighing approximately 24 pounds (10.8 kg) and made of solid gold.

2. Coffins and Sarcophagus: The burial chamber contained a series of coffins nested within each other. The innermost coffin was made of solid gold. Within the coffins, a stone sarcophagus was found.

3. Golden Throne: A golden throne adorned with carvings depicting Tutankhamun and his Queen Ankhesenamun.

4. Jewelry: A vast collection of jewelry made from gold, precious stones, and colorful glass, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, and amulets.

5. Furniture: Elaborate furniture pieces such as beds, chairs, and chests, often inlaid with ivory and semi-precious stones.

6. Canopic Jars: A set of four alabaster jars, each containing preserved organs removed during the mummification process.

7. Statues and Figurines: Numerous statues and figurines representing pharaohs, gods, and mythical creatures.

8. Games and Musical Instruments: Board games, such as Senet, and musical instruments, like harps and flutes.

These are just a few examples of the many treasures discovered in King Tutankhamun's tomb. For more detailed information, I recommend further research using the suggested methods.