So for English we're doing poetry. With a partner we both wrote our own poems and compared them. We had to find one word that fits into both poems and we got the word "Change". Now we have to be able to read our poems while not boring the class by doing something, anything, that has to do with the word "Change" for atleast 10 minutes. At first we thought about wearing a mass amount of clothing and taking them off one by one but we need something better. Any ideas?

How the seasons change; have students illustrate changes and effects of each season.

How your friends change over the year or years.
Changes in society.
Changes in fads.

The changing clothes idea would definitely keep the class amused and interested. Swapping socks or shoes, or shirts... but you will have to stage it so that they won't know what is happening next and you are within classroom protocol.

Certainly! Let's brainstorm some ideas related to the word "Change" that could be engaging and not boring for your class:

1. Interactive activities: You and your partner can prepare a short dramatic skit or role play that demonstrates the concept of change. This could involve portraying different characters going through personal or transformative experiences, discussing the emotions and challenges that come with change.

2. Visual presentation: Create a captivating slideshow or visual presentation that represents the theme of change. Include thought-provoking images, quotes, and examples from your poems. Discuss the artistic choices you made in representing change in your work.

3. Collaborative storytelling: Use the word "Change" as a starting point to develop a collaborative story with your partner. Each of you can take turns adding a sentence or two to build a narrative that explores different aspects of change. This will engage your classmates and keep them curious about what happens next.

4. Symbolism exploration: Analyze the symbolism of the word "Change" in different fields such as art, literature, or history. Present famous works that highlight the theme of change, explaining how they capture the essence of transformation. You can also choose specific lines or stanzas from famous poems that strongly relate to the concept of change and discuss their meanings.

5. Group discussion: Lead an interactive discussion about the various interpretations and expressions of change. Encourage classmates to share personal experiences and thoughts on the topic. Explore how change can manifest in different aspects of life, such as relationships, society, or nature. Have open-ended questions prepared to keep the conversation flowing.

Remember, the key is to engage your classmates by offering different perspectives and encouraging their active participation. These ideas should help you explore the concept of "Change" in an interesting and meaningful way during your presentation.