Do aliens and ufo's exist? If they do, do they visiit earth?

The word "alien" means foreigner or someone different. In that sense, there are many aliens.

Are there intelligent beings on other planets? We don't know. We have no scientific evidence of life on other planets or ufos.

This article discusses unidentified flying objects.

See also here:

what is a grid?

In general terms, a grid refers to a network of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines that form a pattern of squares or rectangles. This pattern is commonly used in various fields, such as math, geography, graphics, and urban planning. A grid can help divide a space into smaller sections or facilitate navigation and organization. It can be physical, like the lines on a piece of graph paper, or conceptual, like a system for electricity distribution or city planning. The concept of a grid is flexible and can have different applications depending on the context.

A grid refers to a network of horizontal and vertical lines that intersect and form a series of squares or rectangles. It is often used as a framework or reference system for organizing and aligning objects or locations. Grids are commonly used in various fields, such as graphic design, urban planning, and cartography.

In graphic design, grids are used to structure and organize elements on a page or screen. They provide a sense of balance, consistency, and order in the layout and help determine the placement and alignment of text, images, and other design elements.

In urban planning, grids are used to create a system of streets and blocks in a city or town. This grid pattern facilitates navigation, improves traffic flow, and optimizes land use.

In cartography, grids are used to define coordinates and enable precise location referencing on maps. They allow users to determine exact positions and measure distances accurately.

To create a grid, you can use various tools, such as rulers, grid paper, or design software. The spacing and size of grid lines can be adjusted to meet specific needs and preferences. Grids can be simple or complex, depending on the purpose and requirements of the project.