Form complete sentences using the cues in the order they are given. Conjugate verbs and add other words as necessary.

1. vosotros / necesitar / más / escritorios

2. profesora Gutiérrez / enseñar / y / hablar / alemán / muy / bien

3. estudiantes / hablar / mucho

4. tú / necesitar / dinero / para (to) / pagar / matrícula

5. hoy / tú y yo / buscar / apartamento

6. yo / necesitar / calculadora / y / lápiz

Hopefully you did this on your later post? "Cut and paste" rarely works here and you need to type it all out.


1. Vosotros necesitáis más escritorios.

To form this sentence, conjugate the verb "necesitar" to match the subject "vosotros," and add the word "más" before "escritorios" to mean "more."

2. La profesora Gutiérrez enseña y habla alemán muy bien.
To form this sentence, conjugate the verbs "enseñar" and "hablar" to match the subject "profesora Gutiérrez," and add the adverb "muy" before "bien" to mean "very well."

3. Los estudiantes hablan mucho.
To form this sentence, conjugate the verb "hablar" to match the subject "estudiantes," and add the adverb "mucho" after "hablan" to mean "a lot."

4. Tú necesitas dinero para pagar la matrícula.
To form this sentence, conjugate the verb "necesitar" to match the subject "tú," and add the words "dinero" (money) and "para" (for) before "pagar la matrícula" (to pay the tuition).

5. Hoy tú y yo buscamos apartamento.
To form this sentence, conjugate the verb "buscar" to match the subjects "tú" and "yo," and place the word "hoy" at the beginning of the sentence to mean "today."

6. Yo necesito una calculadora y un lápiz.
To form this sentence, conjugate the verb "necesitar" to match the subject "yo," and add the indefinite articles "una" (a) and "un" (a) before "calculadora" and "lápiz" respectively to mean "a calculator" and "a pencil."