Annie is a fifth grader in Mr. Baer's class and has been quiet and sullen for several days in a row. Mr. Baer has asked you, his educational assistant, to check in with Annie to see what is troubling her. You approach Annie gently and ask her if something is wrong and if there is anything you can help out with. Annie bursts into tears and claims, "I just can't do this writing stuff! I guess I am just not a good student. Give me P.E. or Art any day. I hate this writing stuff."

First, you will discuss Annie's problem from the perspective of the development of self-concept and self-esteem. You should consider the following in constructing your answer:
Annie's belief about her writing ability and how this may factor into her sense of self.
How Annie's sense of self might be related to achievement.
How Annie's self-esteem may contribute to lower performance in writing.
Potential ways that other students or the school environment may have contributed to Annie's self-concept and self-esteem.
Second, based on the guidelines in the text and the activities you read about in the Web Resource Activity, suggest ways that you, Mr. Baer, and the school can help Annie develop a more positive self-concept and higher self-esteem, both as a student in general and on writing tasks in particular (this should be approximately 1 page long). Be sure to address the following:
What can you do, as an educator, on a one-on-one basis, to improve self-concept and self-esteem in Annie (and all students)?
What can schools do to create an environment in which students are less likely to develop poor self-concepts and lower self-esteem (consider how diversity may play a role here)?
Describe a couple of specific activities that you might choose to encourage high self-esteem in students.

This is a challenging assignment. Your text and the Web Resource Activity should provide many ideas for writing this essay.

If you post your ideas here, we'll be glad to critique them for you.

First of all, I agree with Ms.Sue. Use the sources that you have available.

Here are some ideas:

Think of why she might believe that she is not good at writing or she is not a good student. Have others told her this? If you (or Annie) believe that you cannot do something, you tend to give up or not make a sufficient effort. (Could this be what you are doing with this assignment?)

What support for writing does she get at home? Is she from a non-English speaking home?

Is individual tutoring available?

Here are some other sites that might be helpful:


I am hoping that this information will help you with your assignment. Even more so, I hope it will help you in your learning.

Thanks for asking.


To address Annie's problem from the perspective of the development of self-concept and self-esteem, we can consider the following factors:

1. Annie's belief about her writing ability: Annie's belief that she is not good at writing may impact her self-concept. If she sees herself as a poor writer, she may also view herself as a less capable student overall, which can affect her self-esteem.

2. Relationship between sense of self and achievement: Annie's sense of self can be influenced by her academic achievements. If she perceives herself as not meeting expectations or struggling with writing, it can negatively impact her overall self-concept.

3. Self-esteem and writing performance: Annie's low self-esteem may contribute to her lower performance in writing. If she feels negatively about her abilities, she may have less motivation and confidence in her writing tasks, leading to poorer performance.

4. Influence of other students and school environment: The experiences and interactions Annie has with other students and the school environment can also contribute to her self-concept and self-esteem. If she experiences criticism or comparison to others, it can further lower her confidence in her writing abilities.

To help Annie develop a more positive self-concept and higher self-esteem, both as a student in general and on writing tasks in particular, here are some suggested strategies:

1. One-on-one support: As an educator, providing individual support and guidance can greatly impact Annie's self-concept and self-esteem. Take the time to understand her strengths and weaknesses, provide feedback, and offer assistance in areas where she struggles, such as writing. Encouraging her progress and celebrating her achievements can help boost her confidence.

2. Creating an inclusive environment: Schools can create an environment that values diversity and recognizes the different strengths and abilities of students. By fostering a culture where students feel accepted and supported regardless of their strengths or weaknesses, they are less likely to develop poor self-concepts and lower self-esteem. Emphasize that everyone has unique talents and that writing is just one aspect of being a successful student.

3. Specific activities to encourage high self-esteem: Engage students in activities that promote self-reflection and self-expression. For example, encourage them to keep journals or participate in writing contests where their work is acknowledged and celebrated. Provide opportunities for students to showcase their strengths in other areas, such as art or physical education, to build their confidence and reinforce the idea that being a good student encompasses more than just one skill.

4. Building a growth mindset: Help Annie develop a growth mindset, where she understands that her abilities can improve through effort and practice. Teach her that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and that setbacks should be seen as opportunities for growth rather than evidence of failure. Encourage her to set achievable goals and work towards them, providing support and guidance along the way.

By implementing these strategies, both on an individual level and within the school environment, we can support Annie in developing a more positive self-concept and higher self-esteem, ultimately helping her overcome her challenges with writing and thrive as a student.