Use a Microsoft® Excel or Word table function to propose and create a schedule of school-related tasks for a typical teaching day from the time you arrive at school until the time you leave school at the end of the day.

To create a schedule of school-related tasks using Microsoft Excel or Word, follow these steps:

1. Open Microsoft Excel or Word and create a new blank document or spreadsheet.
2. Set up the table structure by inserting headers for each column. Here's an example of the headers you can use:
- Time: The time intervals for each task
- Task: Description of the school-related tasks
- Duration: Estimated time taken for each task
- Remarks: Any additional notes or comments
3. Start filling in the table with your tasks for a typical teaching day. Here's an example of what your schedule could look like:

Time |Task |Duration|Remarks
8:00 AM |Arrive at school |15 min |Prepare classroom
8:15 AM |Staff meeting |30 min |Discuss daily agenda
8:45 AM |Plan lessons |45 min |Prepare materials
9:30 AM |Teach class |90 min |Engage students in the lesson
11:00 AM |Recess |20 min |Supervise students' break
11:20 AM |Grading |30 min |Review and assess student work
11:50 AM |Lunch break |45 min |Take a break and eat lunch
12:35 PM |Meetings |60 min |Collaborate with colleagues
1:35 PM |Teach class |90 min |Continue lessons
3:05 PM |Dismissal |10 min |Wrap up the day and dismiss students
3:15 PM |Reflect & Plan |30 min |Evaluate the day & plan for tomorrow
3:45 PM |Clean up |15 min |Organize classroom and materials
4:00 PM |Leave school |N/A |End of the teaching day

4. Adjust the time intervals and duration to match your daily schedule. You can also add or remove tasks as needed.
5. Customize the "Remarks" column with specific notes or reminders for each task.
6. Format the table by adjusting cell sizes, applying borders, and applying colors if desired.
7. Save the document/spreadsheet with an appropriate name and keep it updated as your schedule changes.

Creating a schedule using Microsoft Excel or Word allows you to easily manage and modify your daily tasks, helping you stay organized and efficient throughout the teaching day.

To create a schedule of school-related tasks for a typical teaching day using Microsoft Excel or Word, you can utilize the table function offered by both applications. Here's how you can do it in both Excel and Word:

Using Microsoft Excel:
1. Open a new Excel document.
2. In the first row of the spreadsheet, create headers for each column you want to include in your schedule. For example, you might include headers such as "Time," "Task," and "Duration."
3. In the subsequent rows, enter the specific details for each task you want to include. For instance, in the "Time" column, you can enter the time frame for each task, in the "Task" column, enter the description of the task, and in the "Duration" column, specify how long each task will take.
4. Format the table as desired, such as adjusting column widths, applying borders, or choosing a font style.
5. Once you have finished entering all the tasks, save the Excel document.

Using Microsoft Word:
1. Open a new Word document.
2. Click on the "Insert" tab in the ribbon menu and select "Table."
3. Choose the number of rows and columns you want in your table. For example, you might create a table with three columns for "Time," "Task," and "Duration" and multiple rows for each task you want to include.
4. Enter the specific details for each task in the respective columns and rows.
5. Format the table as desired using the options available in the "Table Tools" section of the ribbon menu, such as specifying column widths, applying border styles, or selecting a different cell background color.
6. Once you have finished entering all the tasks, save the Word document.

In both cases, you can customize the table according to your preferences and needs. You may also add additional columns or rows if required. Remember, Excel allows for more advanced calculations and data manipulation if needed, while Word provides a more basic table functionality.