i have an answer but im not sure if its right would you tell me please and show me the steps of how to work through the question

make f the subject

my answer was f=-h-5/3g-5 and i simplified that to f=-h/3g

thanks for any help you can give me

7f= 6gf + 3gh +5
f(7-6g)=3gh + 5

divide4 by (7-6g)

check my thinking.

yes thanks for your help

To solve the equation and make f the subject, follow these steps:

1. Start with the given equation: 7f - 5 = 3g(2f + h)
2. Expand the expression on the right side by distributing 3g: 7f - 5 = 6gf + 3gh
3. Move the variable terms to one side of the equation and the constant terms to the other side: 7f - 6gf = 3gh + 5
4. Factor out f from the left side: f(7 - 6g) = 3gh + 5
5. Divide both sides of the equation by (7 - 6g) to isolate f: f = (3gh + 5) / (7 - 6g)

It appears that your simplification of f as -h/3g is not correct. Please double-check your calculations.