How do you do pronom objet indirect?

To do the indirect object pronoun in French, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the indirect object
First, identify the person or thing that is the indirect recipient of the action. This is usually a person introduced by "à" or "pour."

Step 2: Identify the corresponding pronoun
Once you have identified the indirect object, find the corresponding indirect object pronoun. Here are the indirect object pronouns in French:

me/m' (to/for me)
te/t' (to/for you)
lui (to/for him/her)
nous (to/for us)
vous (to/for you all)
leur (to/for them)

Step 3: Place the pronoun in the sentence
Replace the indirect object with the corresponding indirect object pronoun. The pronoun usually comes before the verb and can be attached to it or placed immediately before it.

Original sentence: Je parle à mon frère. (I am speaking to my brother.)
With indirect object pronoun: Je lui parle. (I am speaking to him.)

Note: The pronoun "leur" does not attach directly to the verb but requires the preposition "à." For example: Je parle aux étudiants. (I am speaking to the students.) becomes Je leur parle. (I am speaking to them.)

Here are a few more examples for practice:

1. Je donne un cadeau à ma sœur. (I am giving a gift to my sister.)
Je lui donne un cadeau. (I am giving her a gift.)

2. Il prête son livre à ses amis. (He is lending his book to his friends.)
Il leur prête son livre. (He is lending them his book.)

Remember to identify the indirect object, choose the appropriate pronoun, and place it correctly in the sentence.