I need a better understanding please. what is 2 external influences?

Think of a product that you have seen advertised on television, a magazine, or on the radio. Describe the product and identify two external influences that might lead a person to purchase the product; culture, subculture, social class, or group membership.

Think of a product that you have seen advertised on television, a magazine, or on the radio. Describe the product and identify two external influences that might lead a person to purchase the product; culture, subculture, social class, or group membership.

Consider your classmate's examples. Do you agree or disagree with their perception of external influences about the product they described?

To answer your question, let's break it down step by step.

1. Understand the concept: External influences refer to factors outside of an individual's personal control that can influence their purchasing decisions. These influences include culture, subculture, social class, or group membership.

2. Choose a product: Think of a product that you have seen advertised on television, a magazine, or on the radio. For the purpose of this explanation, let's say the product is a luxury watch.

3. Identify external influences: Now, we need to identify two external influences that could lead a person to purchase the luxury watch, considering culture, subculture, social class, or group membership. Here are two examples:

a) Social class: Owning a luxury watch may be associated with a higher social class. In many cultures, individuals from certain social classes aspire to showcase their status and wealth through the products they own, such as luxury watches. The desire to be seen as part of a higher social class could influence someone to purchase the watch.

b) Group membership: Being influenced by a particular group can also impact purchasing decisions. For example, if someone is part of a social or professional circle where luxury watches are highly valued, they might feel compelled to purchase one to fit in, gain acceptance, or enhance their image within that group.

To summarize, when considering the luxury watch as the product, two external influences that could lead a person to purchase it might be the association of owning such a watch with a higher social class and the influence of a specific group or social circle where luxury watches are highly valued.