What two species belong to the Pseudocolochirus Violaceus(violet sea cucumber)?

To determine what two species belong to the Pseudocolochirus violaceus, we need to conduct a scientific search or consult reliable sources such as scientific journals or databases.

1. Begin by searching for the scientific name "Pseudocolochirus violaceus" using a search engine or a scientific database like Google Scholar, PubMed, or Scopus.

2. Look for scientific articles or papers that discuss the taxonomy or classification of Pseudocolochirus violaceus. These sources often provide detailed information on the species, including its characteristics and related species.

3. Once you have found a relevant source, navigate through the article to find any mentions of other species belonging to the same genus or family as Pseudocolochirus violaceus.

4. Pay attention to any taxonomic descriptions, phylogenetic relationships, or listed species within the same genus or family as Pseudocolochirus violaceus.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the two species related to Pseudocolochirus violaceus. However, please note that the scientific understanding of species and their relationships can evolve over time, so it's always best to refer to the most up-to-date scientific literature for accurate information.