How do i solve the functions domain, range, x intercept and y intercept for this function..there is a a shaded dot on (-4,-4) and then theres a curved line going up to an unshaded dot on (0,0)

How do i solve the functions domain, range, x intercept and y intercept for this function..there is a a shaded dot on (-4,-4) and then theres a curved line going up to an unshaded dot on (0,0), it also has to be interval notation but im not sure how to do that either. thanks

To solve for the domain, range, x-intercept, and y-intercept of a given function, follow these steps:

1. Identify the equation of the function. If it is provided, please state the equation of the function.

2. To find the domain, determine the set of all possible x-values for which the function is defined. Look for any restrictions or limitations on the variable x. Common restrictions include avoiding division by zero or taking the square root of a negative number. If there are no restrictions, the domain is generally all real numbers.

3. To find the range, determine the set of all possible y-values that the function can output. One way to find the range is by graphing the function or analyzing its behavior. However, since a graph is not provided in this case, you can make an educated estimation based on the given points (-4, -4) and (0, 0). It seems like the curve starts from (-4, -4) and goes up to (0, 0). Therefore, it suggests that the range includes all values greater than or equal to -4 and less than or equal to 0.

4. To find the x-intercept(s), set the function equal to zero and solve for x. In this case, the x-intercept seems to be (0, 0) since the curved line goes through that point.

5. To find the y-intercept, set x equal to zero and solve for y. By looking at the given points, (0, 0) is the y-intercept since the line intersects the y-axis at that point.

If you can provide the equation of the function, I can offer a more accurate analysis of the domain, range, x-intercept, and y-intercept.